Tyre Sidewall Markings

  1. S

S, is short for Spare.

Tyre intended for temporary use as “spare” (no more than one in use at a time)

  1. T

T, also known as Temporary.

Tyres intended for temporary use as a spare, in one position only at a time, with inflation pressures higher than those of Standard or Reinforced tyres.

  1. C

Commercial vehicle tyres for service on light duty vehicles.

  1. M/C

Motorcycle tyres which are designed for use on M/C motorcycle rims having a bead seat diameter which differs from that of rims with the same designation designed for passenger car, commercial vehicles and agricultural applications.

  1. MPT

Special use tyres for service on multi-purpose commercial vehicles.


SERVICE CONDITION marked Earthmoving equipment tyres in Transport or Loading.

  1. DP

DP = Dual Purpose.

Tyres specifically designed for mud and snow or on / off road (Dual Purpose) service.

  1. XL

XL is short for Extra Load.

Tyres designed for loads and inflation pressures higher than the Standard version.

  1. ET

Special use tyres with Extra Tread primarily designed for mixed use (on / off road) or at restricted speed.

  1. ML

ML, Mining & Logging.

Special use tyres for Mining and Logging primarily designed for mixed use (on / off road) or at restricted speed.

  1. MST

Motorcycle tyres designed for special service having a wider tread than equivalent sizes with the same tyre size designation.


Commercial vehicle tyres designed with sufficient undertread to allow a subsequent regrooving of the original tread pattern.


Passenger car tyres or motorcycle tyres designed for loads and inflation pressures higher than the standard version.

  1. TG

Existing diagonal construction grader service tyres, but TG must be used in the future to identify new design tyres mounted on Semi-Drop Center or Drop Center rims only (not on flat base rims).


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